The Designer

Katherine Ingrassia

Not wanting "just another steak house," Benny
Siddu commissioned the noted restaurant design
team of Katherine Ingrassia of KI Design and Ryan
Nestor of Barker Nestor Architects.

Tasked with taking a uniquely modern twist on the classic steak house, Katherine and Ryan re-imagined signature steak house elements and infused them with contemporary details, furnishings, and appointments.

Over-sized, tufted leather walls and rich, two-tone beveled millwork paneling mingle with an eclectic mix of custom lighting, stylish lounge furniture,and Egyptian glass tile accents.

Drawing on a pool of local artisans to assist in executing their vision, Katherine and Ryan commissioned custom, laser-cut iron railings, hand crafted maple plank tables, and a focal feature of freshly harvested birch poles with suspended hand blown glass spheres to greet guests entering the restaurant.

For the final layer, expressionist paintings from international artist Matt Lamb grace the walls. The unique design mirrors the unique menu offerings and overall experience that is Benny's Chop house - a true Chicago original.